
New Baby

Monday, June 02, 2014

Here it is! My new baby -Nikon D5200. My dad brought us to senq on his birthday to buy  this new camera as my birthday present! My birthday is 3 days after my dad birthday if you're wondering. And I'm in love with this! Definitely will spend more time to check out all those function since I'm a dslr newbie :) 

We bought it from Suria branch (Kota Kinabalu Sabah), and I'm very impressed with the service there. They did explained well to us for whatever we wanted to know and most important and unexpectedly they bought us few piece cake to celebrate my dad birthday! Who doesn't love cake yeahh :D I don't know what you think but I think they're so so so sweet to wish my dad and bought him cake and my dad don't even knew them until that day. Thank you very much to them again! :)

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